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Discover the Magic of French and Volunteer Program: Embrace Language and Culture

Published Bernice on Thursday, October 19, 2023 3:41 PM

Discover the Magic of French and Volunteer Program: Embrace Language and Culture

Learning a new language while making a meaningful impact on the local community is a dream come true for many aspiring linguists. The Learn French and Volunteering program offers precisely this unique opportunity. Combining language classes, volunteering experiences, and the warmth of a host family's accommodation, this program delivers a genuine French immersion experience.

Building the Language Foundation

At the heart of this program are the French courses. These courses provide participants with a solid foundation in the French language, enabling them to communicate effectively in a French-speaking work environment. The curriculum follows international standards, ensuring that students receive comprehensive language training.

A Volunteer Experience Like No Other

What sets this program apart is the volunteering component. It offers a diverse range of projects that complement short to medium-term study periods. It's the ideal choice for students seeking genuine engagement with the local community and a chance to learn and practice French in an entirely authentic setting.

The primary objective of the volunteering component is to immerse students in a project that not only allows them to give back but also significantly enhances their linguistic skills. It's a win-win situation where learning and service go hand in hand.

Requirements: Ready for Volunteering

Before students dive into the volunteering segment of the program, they need to have completed level A2 in the French language. This ensures that they have a basic grasp of French and are better equipped to communicate and contribute effectively to their chosen projects.

Cultural Enrichment

To complement the structured courses and workshops, the program offers a rich array of cultural activities and excursions. Students can pick and choose from these activities, creating a personalized experience that aligns with their interests and goals.

This unique program is more than just a language course; it's a gateway to understanding and embracing the rich French culture and making a genuine impact on the local community. The Learn French and Volunteering program is a transformative journey that allows participants to learn, grow, and give back simultaneously. It's an experience that goes beyond the classroom, opening doors to a world of language, culture, and community.

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